China lodges stern representation with US on its law enforcement personnel unreasonably interrogating, harassing Chinese cargo ship

China lodges stern representation with US on its law enforcement personnel unreasonably interrogating, harassing Chinese cargo ship

China has lodged a stern representation with the US on the matter concerning a Hong Kong-registered Chinese vessel that was subjected to unreasonable questioning and harassment by US law enforcement personnel recently, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday, who also demanded the US cease the unwarranted interrogations and harassment of Chinese personnel traveling to the US.

The Global Times learned exclusively from a source recently that in July 2023, the vessel Zhenhua 28, a Hong Kong-registered Chinese cargo ship owned by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company, encountered unreasonable searches and harassment by US law enforcement in Jacksonville, Florida. Members of the US Coast Guard boarded the ship to carry out an inspection from its anchorage to the port and accompanied it in the entire course.

Some crew members had their personal electronic devices confiscated, the ship’s planned journey to the US was delayed, affecting subsequent operations and the daily lives and work of the crew, Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told the Global Times during a press conference on Tuesday.

In recent years, the US has been setting up barriers for Chinese citizens entering the country on various pretexts, unjustifiably intervening with Chinese students holding valid visas, and repeatedly harassing and interrogating Chinese personnel on the basis of their political beliefs and membership in the Communist Party of China. This clearly reflects the US’ blatant ideological prejudice and cold war mentality, Wang said.

Upon arrival at the port, US Customs and Border Protection personnel boarded the ship to conduct an inspection, collected biometric information including faces and fingerprints of the crew members, and even questioned them about whether they were members of the CPC, soldiers, or government officials, the Global Times learned previously.

China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes these actions, Wang said, noting that China urges the US to correct its erroneous practices, cease the unwarranted interrogations and harassment of Chinese personnel traveling to the US, stop infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, and refrain from using national security as a pretext to obstruct and undermine normal cultural exchanges and economic cooperation between China and the US. Such incidents should not recur.

“China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens,” the spokesperson said.

Recently, the FBI stole a Chinese student’s personal information from his study application materials and arrested and charged him with “visa fraud.” Additionally, three Chinese students were detained, interrogated and deported by US Customs and Border Protection without valid evidence or basis.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the US has detained, interrogated and deported Chinese students without cause and trumped up charges against them. This is wanton suppression and persecution motivated by political purposes toward which China firmly opposes.

(Global Times)


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