Over 300 enterprises confirm participation in the 1st China International Supply Chain Expo

Over 300 enterprises confirm participation in the 1st China International Supply Chain Expo

So far, more than 300 well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises from 50 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE), which will be held from November 28 to December 2 in Beijing.

International exhibitors account for more than 20 percent of the participants, demonstrating the strong attraction of the Expo and the Chinese market. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the organizer of the CISCE, said on Sunday during an event held for the 100-day countdown to the expo in Beijing, which marks the entry into the period of full sprint for preparation work.

Relevant institutions from many countries have stated that they will organize high-level purchasing teams to participate in the exhibition. The number of professional buyers and visitors is expected to exceed 100,000, according to the CCPIT.

The total exhibition area of the CISCE is expected to exceed 100,000 square meters. Exhibition areas for supply chain services and five major chains are set up, including the intelligent car chain, green agriculture chain, clean energy chain, digital technology chain, and healthy life chain.

The mascot for the CISCE was also unveiled during the 100-day countdown event. Named “Linky,” the mascot is inspired by a jigsaw image symbolizing a supply chain.

Linky, mascot for the first China International Supply Chain Expo Photo: courtesy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

Linky, mascot for the first China International Supply Chain Expo Photo: courtesy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

CISCE is the world’s first supply chain-themed national exhibition, with the aim of providing an international platform for advancing orderly and efficient industrial synergy across countries.

Holding an expo on the theme of global supply chains is a pioneering endeavor. This demonstrates China’s sincerity and willingness to open wider to the outside world and its responsibility as a major country. It will provide new opportunities for other countries to expand economic and trade cooperation with China and a new platform for trade exchanges and business sharing among countries.

The expo will also promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, promote orderly and efficient industrial connectivity among countries, and promote world economic recovery, growth, and economic globalization.

“The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. Economic globalization is facing counter-currents. The global economy is yet to fully recover from the aftermath of COVID-19. As the global industrial and supply chains are being reconstructed at a faster pace, countries are placing greater priority on the stability of industrial and supply chains,” stated the CCPIT.

(Global Times)


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