Friendship Medal awardee Isabel Crook dies in Beijing at 108

Friendship Medal awardee Isabel Crook dies in Beijing at 108

On Sunday, Isabel Crook, recipient of the Friendship Medal of China, pioneer in English teaching in China, and International Communist fighter, died in Beijing at the age of 108, Beijing Bailie University reported.

Isabel Crook, a Canadian, was born in Chengdu, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on December 15, 1915. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression(1931-45), she plunged into China’s rural development. Later, she went to Britain and married David Crook(1910-2000), who was a member of the Communist Part of Britain, and took part in the international anti-Fascist war. She joined in the Communist Party of Britain in 1943, and came to China to record the land reform in the Liberated Area of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces.

In 1948, Isabel(as her Chinese friends always call her) was invited to teach at the Central Foreign Affairs School(the former Beijing Foreign Studies University, BFSU) in Nanhaishan village, North China’s Hebei Province in 1948 at the invitation of the Communist Party of China. After the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Isabel had taught in BFSUfor more than 70 years, and compiled the first set of teaching materials in China, and did a lot of pioneering work for the curriculum development, teaching reform and teachers’ training. She also trained the first batch of foreign affairs personnel, a great number of scholars and diplomats for China.

As a scholar in anthropology and sociology, she wrote several books, including Revolution in a Chinese Village: Ten Mile Inn, and Prosperity’s Predicament: Identity, Reform and Resistance in Rural Wartime China, in which she observed and recorded the Chinese revolution and development through her own eyes and in her own way to the West and the whole world at large, making an outstanding contribution to China’s foreign friendly exchanges with other countries.

In 2007, she was awarded the title of “Tenured professor emeritus” by Beijing Foreign Studies University, and honorary doctoral degree by Toronto University. She also received other honors such as “One of the Top Ten Meritorious Foreign Teachers” by the Chinese government and the “the Most Influential Foreign Experts at the 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up” in 2016 and 2018 respectively. In September 2019, she won the Friendship Award of the People’s Republic of China, the highest medal of honor in China for foreigners.

Isabel had shown great concern to China’s rural development and dedicated herself to English teaching with numerous students. She died peacefully with her faith for the international Communist cause, and the love for the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. According to her own will, no funeral will be conducted and her body will be donated for medical research. Our beloved Isabel is immortal!

(Global Times)


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