Int’l Memorial Day for ‘Comfort Women’ marked in China with fewer than 20 survivors still alive

Int’l Memorial Day for ‘Comfort Women’ marked in China with fewer than 20 survivors still alive

Monday marks the 11th International Memorial Day for the “Comfort Women,” which refers to victims forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops during World War II. More than 200,000 Chinese women were tortured between 1931 and 1945 with fewer than 20 survivors still alive today in the Chinese mainland.

The “comfort women” system was an organized and planned action directly orchestrated by the then Japanese militarist government during World War II and was executed by the Japanese troops.

The victims of the “comfort women” system were not limited by race or borders. About 400,000 Asian women from China, the Korean Peninsula, Southeast Asia and the European and American countries were forcibly conscripted as “comfort women.”

In a video released by the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders on its Sina Weibo, a Chinese “comfort women” survivor recalled her experience and fear of being imprisoned by the Japanese invaders.

Many netizens left messages online to call on the public not to forget the suffering of “comfort women.”

One netizen said that history will not fade with the passage of time, and facts will not disappear due to eloquent denials, noting that revisiting history is not about indulging in suffering and hatred, but about ensuring that peace endures and justice prevails. Another netizen said that war is like a mirror that allows people to better understand the preciousness of peace.

In South Korea, there left only nine surviving “comfort women” after one survivor passed away in May this year. All the South Korean survivors are now in their 90s.

On August 14, 2022, which was designated the International Memorial Day for “Comfort Women” in 2012 by the 11th Asian Alliance Conference for “Comfort Women,” South Korean people held a protest rally in Seoul with portraits of “comfort women” and their testimonies.

(Global Times)


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