National Assembly meeting postponed due to protests 

Kathmandu, Aug 11 :

A session of the National Assembly today had to be postponed after lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties continued to stand from their respective seats in a gesture of protest.At the outset of the meeting, the Assembly Chair Ganesh Prasad Timilsina allocated time to the lawmakers on a party-wise basis for putting their views on contemporary issues.

In the meeting, Ganga Kumari Belbase said that they have been deprived of putting their views on topics related to people’s livelihood due to the obstruction of the parliament for long. She drew the government’s attention towards the spread of dengue in the country, death of a large number of cattle due to the lumpy skin disease and the flood and landslides hitting public life. Bhagawati Neupane said the House had to be obstructed out of compulsion for protecting the nation and maintaining good governance.

She demanded that the government should be serious and carry out investigation into the gold smuggling scam by forming a high-level probe committee. Neupane said Nepal should not be allowed to become a den of smugglers.Jitendra Narayan Dev maintained that obstructing the parliament for long is not the solution of the problem. He stressed that all should work sincerely for fulfilling the people’s aspiration for good governance, minimization of corruption and achieving development and prosperity.

Rajendra Laxmi Gaire expressed her displeasure over the parliament obstruction for long, saying the people were not happy with this development at a time when the parliament is required to make the urgent legislation. She urged the government to provide relief and compensation to the flood-affected people.

Mohammad Khalid said the people are despondent due to the political parties and urged the latter to be responsible and remove the parliament obstruction. Tula Prasad Bishwakarma called on the government to be serious towards the addressing the issues related to the livelihood of the people as their life is becoming distressing due to natural disasters.

Dr Bimala Rai Paudyal argued that the main opposition party has been demanding for the formation of a high-level investigation committee as there is suspicion towards the Ministry’s leadership and a question whether the investigation conducted by the same agency will be fair and objective. The National Assembly will next meet at 1.00pm on August 16.



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