China firmly opposes Taiwan deputy regional leader Lai’s ‘transit’ in US, will closely follow the development: FM

China firmly opposes Taiwan deputy regional leader Lai’s ‘transit’ in US, will closely follow the development: FM

China urges the US to refuse to let Taiwan deputy regional leader Lai Ching-te “transit” the US, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday, stressing that China firmly opposes any form of official interaction between the US and the Taiwan region, firmly opposes any visit by “Taiwan independence” separatists to the US in any name or under whatever pretext, and firmly opposes any form of US connivance and support for “Taiwan independence” separatists and their separatist activities.

The Taiwan “external affairs authority” announced on Wednesday that Lai, who is also running for the 2024 regional election as Taiwan secessionist Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) candidate, will make “stopovers in New York and San Francisco” during an August 12-18 trip to Paraguay.

The Taiwan question is at the core of China’s core interests and a red line that cannot be crossed, the Chinese Foreign Ministry reiterated in the statement, urging the US to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, act on its leaders’ commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence.”

The ministry urged Washington to stop official interactions with Taiwan, stop upgrading its substantive exchanges with the region, stop sending wrong messages to separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence.”

China will closely follow the developments and take firm and strong measures to safeguard nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, it added.

The Ministry also warned the DPP authorities that “Taiwan independence” is a dead end, fawning on the US and selling Taiwan away will only harm the people of Taiwan, and any attempt to seek “independence” and make provocation in collusion with external forces is doomed to failure.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also expressed its strong opposition against Lai’s “transit” trip to the US, saying that the true purpose of Lai’s plan is to rely on Washington to pursue “Taiwan independence,” and seek personal electoral gains.

But ultimately, it will only harm the interests of the people on the island and disrupt peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office said in a statement, saying that facts will prove that Lai is a complete “troublemaker.”

The latest episode will become a new incident that worsens tensions in the Taiwan Straits and is further evidence of the US’ encouragement of Taiwan secessionism, which is an absolute contradiction to the US’ promises to China on “opposing Taiwan Independence,” experts said.

(Global Times)


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