Chinese FM issues safety alert following tourist attack in Marseille amid ongoing French riots

Chinese FM issues safety alert following tourist attack in Marseille amid ongoing French riots

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reminded Chinese nationals in France of strengthening personal, vehicle, residence, and shop security, to call the police and contact the Chinese Embassy or Consulates in France in case of emergencies after a bus full of Chinese tourists was attacked by a group of rioters in Marseille on Friday evening.

Chinese nationals in France should pay close attention to the local security situation and stay away from protests areas and violent conflicts, especially those who have traveled to France, according to a statement released by the Consular Protection Center of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Sunday.

The ministry’s alert came after a bus carrying Chinese tourists was attacked by rioters in Marseille as violence persisted across multiple French cities over recent days. The rioters smashed window glass on the bus, resulting in mild injuries to several Chinese on the bus.

According to the ministry, the Chinese Consulate-General in Marseille immediately called the police to provide urgent assistance for the tourists and requested negotiations with the French side to ensure the personal safety and property of Chinese citizens. All these tourists have currently departed from France and returned to China.

The consulate-general also called on local Chinese community organizations and tourists to remain safe, putting the consular protection and assistance numbers of the foreign ministry, the Chinese Embassy in France, as well as the consulate-generals in Marseille, Strasbourg and Lyon in the notice.

(Global Times)


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