National Security Law for HK lays important foundation for city’s future development: HK representative to UNHRC session

National Security Law for HK lays important foundation for city’s future development: HK representative to UNHRC session

The National Security Law for Hong Kong lays important foundation for the city’s future development, said a representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at the 53rd regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), dismissing slander that the law may have undermined residents’ rights.

During the 53rd UNHRC session on Friday, HKSAR representative, Tiffany Yung See-wan, who is also the Vice Chairman of Topstand Development Limited Hong Kong, explained how the National Security Law for Hong Kong has restored social stability in the city, and voiced support for the One Country, Two Systems principle.

“After the implementation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong, social stability has been restored, laying an important foundation for the city’s future development,” she said.

Yung stressed that it is pure slander that the national security law has undermined the legitimate rights of Hong Kong people.

The HKSAR representative pointed out the fact that national security-related laws exist in most Western countries. “It is a necessary condition for protecting the population and ensuring healthy economic development and general prosperity,” she said.

Under the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, the rights of all people are fully protected, Yung noted.

She also pointed out that the One Country, Two Systems principle enables Hong Kong to share the vast resources and huge market of the motherland, while retaining its own social and economic system and a high degree of autonomy.

“We sincerely hope that the international community will continue to respect and support the views of Hong Kong’s youth,” she said.

(Global Times)


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