<strong>Yan Jinhai, Chen Yongqi and others met with Mongolian guests, members of foreign envoy delegations to China and South Korean guests respectively</strong>

Yan Jinhai, Chen Yongqi and others met with Mongolian guests, members of foreign envoy delegations to China and South Korean guests respectively

Recently, Yan Jinhai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, Chen Yongqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Executive Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region, and Danke, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the Autonomous Region, met with Mongolia, who was invited to attend this Tibetan Expo, in Lhasa. Minister of Natural Environment and Tourism Bhat Uliji Bhat Erdun, head of the diplomatic mission to China, Tonga Ambassador to China Tao Aika Utaatu and Madagascar, Bangladesh, Vanuatu, Micronesia Members of the delegations of foreign envoys stationed in China including the Federation, Syria, Iraq, and Botswana, as well as Do Jong-hwan, head of the delegation of South Korean parliamentarians, and his entourage.

Leaders of the autonomous region, Jiare Lobsang Tenzing and Luo Mei attended the event respectively.

On behalf of the party committee and government of the autonomous region, Yan Jinhai, on behalf of Secretary Wang Junzheng, extended a warm welcome to Bate Uliji Bate Erden and his party to visit Tibet and participate in this Tibet Expo, and introduced our company with detailed data and vivid examples The region’s experience and practices in land afforestation, ecological environment protection, and cultural tourism development. He pointed out that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Tibet has achieved a historical leap in social system and economic and social development. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and with the strong support of the people across the country, various undertakings in Tibet have made all-round progress and historic achievements. He said that although Tibet and Mongolia are thousands of miles apart, they have a long history. Mongolia is an important partner of China’s Tibet’s opening up and cooperation. We will conscientiously implement the central government’s foreign policies and policies towards Mongolia, and deepen practical cooperation with Mongolia in tourism, humanities, and Tibetan medicine. It is hoped that the delegation will visit and see more, and fully and truly introduce a more prosperous and open Tibet to the Mongolian people and the international community.

Chen Yongqi briefly introduced the great achievements in economic and social development in the new era since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He emphasized that today’s vibrant and prosperous Tibet is rooted in the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. At present, the whole region is advancing courageously in accordance with the blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the direction indicated. He expressed the hope that the delegation of diplomatic envoys to China will visit Tibet more often, experience and understand the earth-shaking changes Tibet has made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and introduce a real socialist modernized new Tibet to the people of the country and the world. People; we are willing to work with you to deepen practical cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, and work together to create a better future.

Danke said that the Tibet Autonomous Region attaches great importance to friendly exchanges with South Korean localities and has also carried out two-way exchanges. I hope that members of parliament will use their influence to play the role of a bridge to promote friendly exchanges in culture and tourism between the Tibet Autonomous Region and South Korea. At the same time, they will introduce Tibet to the Korean people comprehensively, objectively and truthfully, so that more Korean friends will come to Tibet. The visit and investigation will make efforts to promote the friendly feelings and exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and Korean people.

Bat Ulji Bat Erden, Tao Aika Uta Atu, and Du Zhonghuan all congratulated the successful holding of the Tibet Expo, and spoke highly of China’s Tibet’s achievements in economic and social development, ecological and environmental protection, etc. , and stated that it will continue to strengthen interaction and experience exchange with Tibet, China, to achieve win-win cooperation and promote common development.

June 21, 2023 Source: Tibet Daily


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