What’s the source of AIIB Canadian employee’s delusion of persecution?

What’s the source of AIIB Canadian employee’s delusion of persecution?

Recently, a Canadian employee at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) resigned and publicly criticized his former employer on social media. Although such behavior lacks the spirit of contract, it isn’t rare in modern workplaces. It sometimes happens that employees leave their posts with personal emotions and grievances, even resorting to venting on the internet. However, the Canadian government’s reaction has been highly unusual. Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Wednesday Canada was “freezing” ties with AIIB while it probed the allegations. This has turned from what could have been a simple labor dispute into a highly politicized issue.

Bob Pickard, the employee who had only worked at the AIIB for a little over one year, is not an influential figure online, nor has he provided any factual evidence. The claims he made are purely speculative and based on personal imagination. What’s even more ridiculous is the employee said he didn’t post his resignation announcement until he arrived in Japan as he was concerned for his security, as if resigning would result in his arrest. This is a typical symptom of delusion of persecution, indicating that he is truly incapable of handling professional work at the AIIB or any other specialized organization. His resignation is not detrimental to the institution but is solely his personal loss. Rational individuals would not take the words of such a person seriously. However, they immediately attracted the attention of the Canadian government, who swiftly announced the “freezing of relations” and launched an investigation within less than a day. The efficiency of this response is truly astonishing.

Abnormal behaviors of the Canadian government and public opinion on issues related to China are predominant in recent years. Ultimately, this employee is a victim of long-term exposure to Canada’s distorted and toxic atmosphere toward China. The rhetoric he used against the AIIB parrots that of anti-China politicians in Ottawa or Washington and there is no difference at all. This incident also reflects the extensive influence of ideological, securitized and threat-oriented propaganda in the US and Canada, and the deep-seated harm it has caused.

When Canada initially wanted to join the AIIB, the US was greatly pressuring its allies not to join, but Canada decided to get in after reluctance. Prior to Canada, most of the US’ core allies, such as Australia, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and South Korea, became founding members of the AIIB, leaving only the lonely US and Japan. Facts have already proven that this was a very wise decision. The success of the AIIB is obvious to all. Since its establishment in 2016, the AIIB has hardly had any negative news. This is not the result of anyone’s lenience. On the contrary, since its establishment, Washington has regarded it as a “strange creature,” and countless pairs of eyes have been watching it and looking for trouble. However, the AIIB has proved itself to be impeccable in terms of standardization, diversification, internationalization, inclusiveness and actual achievements, with strict self-requirements. The AIIB staff from 65 countries and economies witnessed this, and the AIIB’s circle of friends has grown to 106 members from six continents, which is also a witness. The AAA ratings it received from three international rating agencies are ironclad proof.

AIIB’s reputation has been built through years of its own hard work and sincere efforts, and its solid foundation has stood the test of time. Regardless of the standards used to measure it, the AIIB is an outstanding member of the international multilateral development system and a benchmark in the industry. In recent years, some people in the US and the West have been trying to smear and attack China, but they have not found any place to start with the AIIB.

Canada should take an opportunity of this incident to make a reflection. Both at the government and societal levels, Canada’s anti-Chinese sentiments have reached a critical point, which has caused substantial damage to Canada’s interests. Blindly opposing China due to domestic political factors and ideological biases will only move Canada further away from its national interests.

(Global Times)


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