China special envoy meets with French official in Paris

China special envoy meets with French official in Paris

The Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, held talks with Frederic Mondoloni, the director general of political and security affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France in Paris, France on Tuesday. The two sides exchanged views on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, China-France relations, and other issues, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

Li said that French President Emmanuel Macron’s successful visit to China in April had yielded positive results. We will implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, constantly deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and enhance communication and cooperation on major international and regional hotspot issues, making a continued contribution to maintaining global peace, stability and development, Li said.

China and France have several areas of consensuses on the Ukraine crisis, Li pointed out. China is willing to strengthen dialogue and exchanges with all parties on the basis of the document – China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis – and lay the foundation for gradually building consensus toward a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, according to Li. China supports Europe in strengthening strategic autonomy and promoting the building of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework, he noted.

Mondoloni said that the two countries have maintained close high-level exchanges and pushed forward the comprehensive strategic partnership between France and China since the beginning of this year.

France is willing to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with China, Mondoloni said. France and China are both permanent members of the UN Security Council. It is of great significance for the two countries to strengthen dialogue on a wide range of topics, including the Ukraine crisis. France attaches great importance to Li’s visit and expects China to continue to play a constructive role in the cessation of hostilities, Mondoloni noted.

(Global Times)


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