Blinken’s remarks on Xinjiang, Xizang absurd : Chinese FM spokesperson

Blinken’s remarks on Xinjiang, Xizang absurd : Chinese FM spokesperson

US’ allegations that China is collecting people’s DNA and other biometric information in the Xinjiang and Xizang regions are absurd and pointless except for fabricating sensational news, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at Wednesday’s routine press briefing.

The allegation was made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday when he claimed the collection was a method for monitoring.

Wang noted that China is a country under the rule of law. Chinese nationals, regardless of their ethnicity, have their personal information protected under law. In contrast, the US is a country known for widely collecting and using genetic information.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Pentagon has formulated plans to develop gene weapons to strike against rivals. The scope of collection covers Chinese, Aryans in Europe, and Arabs, Wang said.

Wang cited Russia Today which reported in 2017 that US Air Force Education and Training Command once issued recruitment information, specifically specifying the need to obtain RNA and synovial fluid samples from Russians.

Analysts noted the “DNA collection claim” is just a new US tactic to smear China over Xinjiang and Xizang-related topics following repeated lies of forced labor, exposing its devious attempts to crack down on China. It is only because the US is itself engaged in illegal gene collection that it is using this topic to attack China with these groundless accusations.

(Global Times)


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