Reply letter from Chinese president encourages armed police to be the people’s faithful guardian

Reply letter from Chinese president encourages armed police to be the people’s faithful guardian

In downtown Shanghai, soldiers from a People’s Armed Police Force unit solemnly raised the national flag at People’s Square as the first rays of sunshine shone on them. Meanwhile, another group of soldiers started their patrol duty on Nanjing Road, one of the most bustling commercial streets in the city.

The unit took over the duties of the “Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road” in 1982, which is known for its fine traditions of resisting erosion and serving the people wholeheartedly. “We took over the duties of the Eighth Company, and inherited their spirit and soul,” said Yang Zenan, an officer from the unit.

Since stationed in Shanghai in 1949, the soldiers of the Eighth Company have always maintained appropriate conduct, serving people wholeheartedly. Soldiers began to perform patrol duty on Nanjing Road in Shanghai in 1949.

About one year ago, the People’s Armed Police Force unit wrote to Chinese President Xi Jinping to report their progress in studying the Party’s history and expressed firm faith and determination to resolutely implement the instructions from Xi and faithfully fulfill their mission.

In the spring of 2022, Xi replied to the letter from the unit in Shanghai, calling on the armed police forces to always serve as the faithful guardian of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the people.

In his letter, Xi praised the unit for its honorable tradition and achievements in learning the Party’s history, and called for carrying forward the Great Founding Spirit of the CPC.

Since 1998, the armed police officers of the unit have spent their weekends and holidays explaining the Party’s history to the visitors, giving over 76,000 lectures to more than 4.5 million visitors at the site of the first CPC National Congress in Shanghai.

The unit was identified as the national model of “Learning Party history and building loyalty” in 2021.

Learning Party history, building loyalty

The armed police officers from the unit were thrilled to receive the reply letter from President Xi and have earnestly learned it in the past year.

“We were so excited to receive the reply letter. I’m very proud of it. It also made me realize that learning Party history and lecturing Party history are very meaningful,” Luo Zi’ang, one of the letter writers, told the Global Times.

In the letter, “I reported my growth through learning Party history and expressed my determination to be a good narrator of Party history and faithful guardian of the CPC and the people,” Luo said.

Luo joined the army in 2020, when he was a sophomore at Tongji University, and he became a Party history narrator the following year after going through several rounds of selection.

“I found that my personality has been cultivated amid my experience as a Party history narrator at the site of the first CPC National Congress, as I was a shy person and was afraid of history learning in the past,” Luo said. However, learning Party history and spreading knowledge to others made him realize the importance of learning history to a person’s development. In the process of learning Party history, I was gradually illuminated to establish a clear plan for my future life, Luo said.

Inheriting Lei Feng spirit

Soilders from the Lei Feng squad of the unit do haircut for residents for free on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. Photo: Zhang Ming

Soilders from the “Lei Feng squad” of the unit do haircut for residents for free on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. Photo: Zhang Ming

Making good use of the “red resources,” all the armed police officers vigorously promoted Party history learning, education, and practice activities both online and offline in the past year, according to Yang, an officer from the unit, during a speech on February 23.

The unit has taken care of 27 elderly residents who live alone, 12 disabled people and 15 families of servicemen and martyrs. In addition, they have helped 16 poverty-stricken students return to school.

Since 1982, the “Lei Feng squad” from the unit has been providing services for people on Nanjing Road on the 20th day of every month. They offer assistance with shoe repairs, haircuts, knife sharpening, as well as health, legal, and psychological counseling.

Yan Zhaoyu, who was born after the year 2000, told the Global Times that in his opinion, the spirit of Lei Feng embodies dedication. He believes that this spirit should be carried forward and spread, especially among Chinese youths.

Yan hopes that more people can remember that there are many individuals who are dedicated to our motherland, and he wants to spread this spirit to more people.

(Global Times)


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