South Korean politicians’ visit to Taiwan region sends wrong signal to ‘Taiwan independence’ forces, extremely dangerous: Chinese Embassy

South Korean politicians’ visit to Taiwan region sends wrong signal to ‘Taiwan independence’ forces, extremely dangerous: Chinese Embassy

China has lodged solemn representations to South Korea and urged it to abide by the one-China principle, a spokesperson of Chinese Embassy in South Korea said in a statement on Thursday after a few South Korean politicians paid a provocative visit to China’s Taiwan island.

A few South Korean politicians including vice speaker of South Korea’s National Assembly Chung Woo-taik paid a visit to China’s Taiwan island in December, seriously violating the one-China principle and the spirit of a joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, which runs counter to the development of friendly bilateral relations, the spokesperson said.

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the Taiwan question is purely a matter of China’s own internal affairs. The one-China principle is a universal consensus respected by the international community and a basic norm in international relations. The communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries clearly states that the Republic of Korea (ROK) recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China and respects the Chinese position that there is only one China and Taiwan is part of China, the spokesperson said.

“We firmly oppose any form of official interaction between South Korea and China’s Taiwan region,” the spokesperson said.

The biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits is the separatist activities pushed forward by “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces and the illegal connivance of some external forces, the spokesperson noted.

The National Assembly of South Korea plays an important role in the political and social life of South Korea. The vice speaker should be aware of the South Korean government’s commitment and the visit to Taiwan region violates the South Korean government’s commitment to China, sending a serious wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces. It damages the political foundation of two countries’ friendship and is extremely dangerous, creating a serious impact on bilateral relations, the Chinese spokesperson said in the statement.

China has lodged solemn representations to South Korea and urged officials to take measures to eliminate negative spillover, and take concrete actions to safeguard the interests of the bilateral relations, according to the statement.

(Global Times)


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