Macron’s visit shows US’ intent to rope France into its political agenda, unlikely to achieve substantive breakthroughs

Macron’s visit shows US’ intent to rope France into its political agenda, unlikely to achieve substantive breakthroughs

French President Emmanuel Macron will be hosted by US President Joe Biden next week in a rare state visit aimed at highlighting Franco-American friendship rather than the bitter economic competition between the two sides of the Atlantic, Reuters reported. US magazine Barron’s noted that Macron will be the first French president to have been offered two state visits, the highest level of diplomatic protocol.

Cui Hongjian, director of the Department of European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, believed that the visit fully conveys the US’ evident intent to rope in France to his political agenda. Washington is aware that France has a big say on European affairs, and is hoping to exert influence over Macron to repair and improve its relations with Europe.

Against the backdrop of energy crisis, the US is taking advantage of Europe, which has sparked Macron’s displeasure. “In a spirit of great friendship, we will say to our American and Norwegian friends: ‘You’re super, you supply us with energy and gas, but one thing that can’t go on for too long is us paying four times more than the price you sell to your industry,” Macron said in October, “That is not exactly the meaning of friendship.”

The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has also hit related sectors or firms across France and Europe. Macron slammed the Act on several occasions. In early November, Macron said the Act does not comply with WTO laws and labelled it as not “friendly” to Europe.

Although the Democrats did not see crushing loss as expected in the midterm elections, losing the control the House of Representatives means that they will be restrained by the Republican counterparts in providing aid to Ukraine. With the Ukraine crisis still ongoing, Washington hopes to see Europe continue to or even expand its role in supporting the Ukrainians.

In addition, the US continues to see China as its primary adversary. But in the face of its relative decline, Washington cannot deal with China without the support of its allies, especially Europe.

In a Reuter’s report on Macron’s visit to US, it said, the elephant in the Oval Room will be the IRA. But Cui anticipated that there will no substantive breakthroughs in Macron’s negotiations with Biden in this regard. At most, the US will make limited concessions on European firms or other issues Europeans concern. The US will not fully modify or abandon this bill in accordance with the will of France or Europe, as its logic is always to defend or pursue its own interests.

Some Western media have claimed that the US and France are expected to put on a show of unity on common threats from Russia and China. It is not surprising if Macron talks about the so-called China threat with Biden even in the context that Macron said he intends to visit China early next year. This is because France regards the so-called China threat as a card or a bargaining chip to negotiate with Washington, piling more pressure on the latter for the sake of more interests for France or Europe.

When talking about Macron’s visit, some media outlets are also pondering that if France have buried the hatchet over the AUKUS deal, the trilateral security pact between the US, UK and Australia, which torpedoed a big French submarine contract and pushed French-US relations to breaking point.

Despite contradictions between the two countries, France and the US are from the same camp, in which the US take the lead and Europe, including France, has to accept the US’ leadership no matter how the US takes advantage of it. At the moment, Europe has neither the capability nor the will to challenge the US’ hegemony, Wang Shuo, a professor at the School of International Relations of Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times.

It’s time for Europe to step up to achieve strategic autonomy; otherwise, it cannot escape the fate of being sacrificed its interests to serve those of Washington.

(Global Times)


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