Hope US will comprehensively, accurately receive signals from 20th CPC National Congress

Hope US will comprehensively, accurately receive signals from 20th CPC National Congress

After the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the outside world is highly concerned about the direction of China-US relations. The White House and the Department of State said that they will continue to “responsibly manage the competition with China,” seek cooperation in areas where interests are aligned, and keep lines of communication open. If this is Washington’s “standard messages,” then some US political elites and public opinion are revealing a more realistic mind-set toward China. They clamor that they need to prepare for a “China prepared for conflict with the US,” thus playing up the tensions of the China-US confrontation. But this precisely reflects that they wish to push the US to “prepare for a conflict with China.”

We have noticed that those voices describe China’s posture toward foreign countries as “aggressive” and unabashedly present Beijing as a provocateur of confrontation. Suffice it to say that these people used their crooked mind-set and eyes to view China, and it is impossible to anticipate them to see clearly or to clarify things the way they are. China-US relations have certainly escalated in these years in a “spiral of hostility with no end in sight.” But the source of such “hostility” comes from the US, and China’s response and countermeasures are, by nature, a legitimate defense. Washington’s various actions against Beijing are like intentionally cutting in front of other’s car on the highway. If a scratch is found or a serious accident takes place, the US must, for sure, take full responsibility.

Be it before or after the 20th CPC National Congress, China’s foreign policy has always maintained its continuity and stability, and its purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development has not changed. While insisting on putting the development of the country and the Chinese nation at the central point of China’s strength, the report to the 20th CPC National Congress also demonstrates the country’s clear attitude of adhering to the fundamental national policy of opening to the outside world, pursuing a mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up, and striving to create new opportunities for the world with China’s development. At the same time, the report also emphasizes that China clearly and unwaveringly opposes “hegemonism and power politics in all their forms,” as well as “unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying of any kind.” The country also opposes “the Cold War mentality, interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and double standards.” Noticeably, no country, including the US, is named in these statements.

Obviously, it is about the issues and doesn’t target any specific person or country. What China opposes is also what is clearly and unanimously opposed by the majority of the international community. But interestingly, some people in the US think it’s targeting Washington. This indicates that in their subconscious mind, ideas such as hegemonism, power politics, and unilateralism have become synonymous with the US. Of course, this is indeed consistent with the general impression of the international community. Americans assume it’s about the US, which is equivalent to exposing oneself.

The report delivered to the 20th CPC National Congress reiterated that China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in pursuing friendship and cooperation with other countries. It is committed to promoting a new type of international relations, deepening and expanding global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation, and broadening the convergence of interests with other countries. The “countries” here naturally include the US. The report emphasizes that China has pursued major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics on all fronts; it has promoted the development of a human community with a shared future and stood firm in protecting international fairness and justice, and has advocated and practiced true multilateralism. These are all positive signals for peace, cooperation and development that we have sent to the outside world. It is hoped that the US side can receive the signals more comprehensively and accurately.

China has embarked on a new path to modernization that is different from that of the West, and the new path will also be reflected in China’s interaction with the rest of the world. As pointed out in the report delivered to the 20th CPC National Congress, Chinese modernization is “the modernization of peaceful development.” We do not believe that “a strong country will inevitably seek hegemony.” There is no gene in the blood of the Chinese people to seek hegemony or to be militaristic. Chinese modernization is not achieved by plundering through wars and transferring pollution to others. The latest National Security Strategy recently released by the White House said that China is Washington’s only competitor that harbors the intention to reshape the international order and has growing economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to advance such a goal. This is a typical example of projecting what the US is doing onto China. Only those who are used to threatening others see everyone else as a threat.

The China-US relationship has global and strategic influence. The Chinese side proposes that China-US relations should adhere to the right direction of the “three principles” of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. China has always handled China-US relations in accordance with the “three principles.” But facing US’ reckless crackdown and bullying, the Chinese people can’t and shouldn’t swallow insults and humiliation. It is hoped that the US can fully and accurately receive the signals the 20th CPC National Congress has sent out, correct its strategic perception of China, meet China halfway, and push China-US relations back to the track of healthy and stable development. This is in the interests of both China and the US, and is also the universal expectation of the international community.

(Global Times)


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