Effect or impact on Nepal’s internal and external politics from the visit of high officials of China

Effect or impact on Nepal’s internal and external politics from the visit of high officials of China

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China is coming to Nepal soon. What will be the effect or impact on Nepal’s internal and external politics from the visit of high officials of China? Opinions of the Leftist Leader Radha Krishna Mainali, Leftist Leader Lok Krishna Bhattarai and Advocate Manohar Lamichhane :

Leftist leader Radha Krishna Mainali:

Now, China’s third-level leader, the Chairman of the National People’s Congress of China, is coming to Nepal. It plays an important role in Nepal’s relations with China. Maybe something about the BRI agreement too. Not only that, but it can also prove more about Nepal’s one-China policy because now it has been discussed that American influence is increasing in Nepal.

MCC is already passed. The Chinese are worried about, if the SPP is passed, American military activity in Nepal, or whether Nepal will join the American military alliance. It might be a Chinese top-level exercise to understand what that is all about. Due to all these things, Nepal-China relations can reach a higher level if Nepal goes to its non-aligned policy, stands on the one-China policy, and conveys its belief to the Chinese leaders. If this is not the case, Nepal-China relations may also become cold.

Therefore, this visit is important for Nepal and can be decisive for Nepal-China relations.

Leftist leader Lok Krishna Bhattarai:

It is a very welcome thing that the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the socialist country China is coming to Nepal. The relationship between Nepal and China is not from today, it is more than 2500/3000 years old. No one can spoil it. He is coming. All Nepali people should warmly welcome his visit. His visit will not affect the politics of Nepal because it is the people who do the politics here. The Chinese do not interfere in anyone’s internal affairs.

All the leaders should ask him to build the Shigatse-Lumbini railway with a subsidy. They will make it with a subsidy. But now the work is being done to annoy the Chinese under Indian and American influence. All political parties should drop it. A non-aligned foreign policy should be adopted. First, China and India are our two neighboring friends, then we must maintain relations with other countries in the world. We should warmly welcome the President of the Chinese People’s Congress.

Advocate Manohar Lamichhane:

Now we have heard that various types of flows have increased in Nepal. Especially the flow of Americans and the European Union seems to have increased. In this situation, when an influential leader of the Chinese People’s Congress comes to Nepal, the relationship between the two countries will be good. Even if there are some misunderstandings, those misunderstandings can also be clarified. Therefore, his visit is appropriate and because it is appropriate, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Nepal has also gone.

His visit may also have an impact on politics because now it is the Acting Government that runs the job. In this situation, something will affect the politics of Nepal. A few days ago, the Acting Government introduced a bill. There is still doubt whether the bill will be implemented or not.

It is also being said that the ruling coalition will contest the elections jointly in the federal elections. In fact, different parties should take their manifestos with the people and fight the elections in separate ways by giving the identity of the party. Now some alliances are contrary to organizations, ideas, ideals, values, etc., now there may be a situation to think about it a little bit. Therefore, there may be some influence politically.

(Muna Chand / Danfe desk)


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