Narainapur recommended as crisis zone

Narainapur recommended as crisis zone

Nepalgunj, Sept 7 :

The District Disaster Management Committee, Banke has recommended to the federal and provincial governments to declare Narainapur Rural Municipality of Banke as a crisis zone.
Acting on a request of Narainapur Rural Municipality to draw local administration’s attention on only 15 percent paddy plantation to this date, the disaster management committee furnished the recommendation to the federal and province governments to provide relief to the farmers, shared Narainapur Chairperson Istiak Ahmad Shah.

Chief District Officer of Banke Surya Bahadur Khatry informed that the committee had recommended for the arrangement of adequate irrigation, alternative crop management and relief distribution.

Earlier, a team also comprising agro-scientists had recommended to cultivate pod-bearing corn farming in the area.

It may be noted that Narainapur rural municipality had declared its area as a dry land in its own. A meeting of the rural municipality had come up with the declaration on the premises that there was no arrangement for adequate irrigation and limited paddy plantation in the area due to long spell of drought.



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