25-year-old toilet renovated with modern amenities

A public toilet built 25 years ago and left in a dilapidated condition has been upgraded to a state-of-the-art wash room in Ward No-20 of Kathmandu Metropolitan City.

The toilet has been upgraded in joint partnership between KMC-20 and Aerosan Sustainable Sanitation, to now make it disabled, environment and women friendly. All the service facilities needed by the users have been installed in the reconstructed toilet building.

Aerosan Sustainable Sanitation is a civil society organisation providing affordable and clean sanitation services to people in urban areas of the Kathmandu Valley. Since 2020, Aerosan Sustainable Sanitation has been providing financial and technical support to build clean, women, disabled and environment-friendly state-of-the-art and community-based toilets in various locations within Kathmandu and Lalitpur Metropolitan City.

The toilet built and operated by Aerosan was able to win the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Promotion Award 2078 and was adjudged the top five in the world-class Sarphati Sanitation Competition, 2021.

Between, 2020 and 2022, the Aerosan Sustainable has put into operation four state-of-the-art public toilets in Kathmandu Metropolitan City and two in Lalitpur Metropolitan City from 2020 to 2022. Prakash Amatya, Executive Dead of Aerosan, shared that they have succeeded in providing facilities of public toilets to about 591,269 male and 180,536 female users, so far.

Likewise, the company has managed 70,699 liters of urine and 9,579 kg of feces by installing bio gas plant and produced 705.2 liters of bio gas.

Furthermore, it has been able to treat 360,000 liters of waste water through waste water treatment system and harvested 2,740,160 liters of rain water to be used in the toilets.

KMC-20 ward president Rajendra Manandhar inaugurated the newly constructed toilet on Saturday. Visiting the newly inaugurated public toilet premises, KMC Mayor Balendra Shah said many more such toilets should be built within the metropolitan city, and pledged necessary support on behalf of the KMC for it.


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