461 cases of divorce registered in Syangja

461 cases of divorce registered in Syangja

Waling, July 29:

A total of 461 cases of divorce have been registered in the District Court, Syangja, in the last fiscal year, the court officials said. Of them, 371 cases were finalized while 90 cases are in process, registrar in the District Court Bishow Prasad Regmi shared.
It is said that the District Court has received more cases on divorce compared to other cases in Syangja. In the previous fiscal year, altogether 304 cases of divorce were registered in the court, Regmi added. The cases of divorce are on the rise in the district in the recent years.
Regmi argued that foreign employment and family feuds are the key issues here behind divorce. Likewise, misuse of social networking sites, mass media; economic issues, drug abuse and domestic violence have also led to divorce of the couple.



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