Blacktopping of Mahure-Foksingtar road in limbo

Blacktopping of Mahure-Foksingtar road in limbo

Khotang, July 25:

Blacktopping of 49-km Mahure-Foksingtar road on the Diktel-Gaighat road section along the Sagarmatha National Highway has been in limbo.
This is so far the shortest route to link Terai districts from Diktel. The blacktopping has been stagnated due to sheer negligence on part of the contractor companies.
As informed, the Bharat Construction Siddhi Shahi JV was entrusted for blacktopping of the 22-km road from Mahure to Simpani of Rajapani.
Likewise, the Devnarayan Pawan Mainachuli Khampache JV was awarded the contract for blacktopping the 27-km road from Simpani Bhanjyang to Foksingtar.
The road section which has to be handed over to the Department of Roads after completing blacktopping now has been obstructed due to potholes and muddy surface.
A contract was awarded to the Bharat Construction Siddhi Shahi JV to complete the task within 13 July 2020. District residents have been facing trouble due to lingering of blacktopping of the road after a long time since the contract came to an end.
It has been shared that the road section has so far made only 35 percent progresses.
Likewise, blacktopping of Simpani Bhanjyang-Foksingtar road section has only seen 59 percent progresses. The contract to this effect was made with Devnarayan Pawan Mainachuli Khampache JV to complete blacktopping within 26 July 2020.
The road that had been used to transport daily essential goods and construction materials from Terai districts has not made any progress in its blacktopping since last Mid-March.



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