US new probes into Huawei baseless, aim to curb Chinese development through smear: analysts

US new probes into Huawei baseless, aim to curb Chinese development through smear: analysts

The US’ reported probes into Huawei based on so-called national security concerns are baseless, as it’s playing an old trick on Chinese firms – smearing and sanctions by abusing state power and technology dominance – with the true intention of curbing Chinese development, industry observers have claimed.

The Biden administration is investigating Huawei over concerns that US cell towers fitted with its gear could capture sensitive information from military bases and missile silos that the company could then transmit to China, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing two people familiar with the matter.

“Authorities are concerned Huawei could obtain sensitive data on military drills and the readiness status of bases and personnel via the equipment, one of the people said, requesting anonymity because the investigation is confidential and involves national security,” the report said.

Industry observers described the reported US investigation as the beginning of another round of baseless crackdowns and smear targeting the Chinese tech giant, abusing the concept of national security and state power.

“The US has to provide evidence to prove its so-called ‘national security’ concerns, and how the data can be transferred to China,” Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Beijing-based Information Consumption Alliance, told the Global Times on Friday.

“Deployment at such an important place, should have already gone through a very strict examination, national security is an ‘easy’ excuse for US to launch another round of investigation on the firm,” an industry player who asked to remain anonymous, told the Global Times on Friday.

The US Commerce Department said it could not “confirm or deny ongoing investigations,” adding that: “protecting US persons’ safety and security against malign information collection is vital to protecting our economy and national security.”

Huawei has long been accused by US governments that  it could spy on US customers, but authorities in Washington have failed to offer any solid evidence. Huawei has strongly denied US government allegations that it could spy on US customers and poses a national security threat.

Xiang cautioned that even if the investigation carries on, the impact on the firm could be limited as the firm has had to deal with multiple rounds of sanctions.

“Smearing Chinese firms, including Huawei and creating barriers for their development, is the true intention behind the investigation,” Xiang said.

Source:- Global Times

Photo: VCG


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