China-drafted high-speed railway standards published by International Union of Railways (UIC)

China-drafted high-speed railway standards published by International Union of Railways (UIC)

The first international standard for high-speed railway construction, “Design of High-Speed Railways – Infrastructure”, was drafted by China and recently published by International Union of Railways (UIC), according to National Railway Administration (NRA) of China on Thursday, demonstrating China’s responsibility in pushing the internationalization of high-speed rail standards.

The new standards were made together with 20 experts from a dozen of countries including France, Germany, Japan, Spain and Italy following four years of research, the second international high-speed railway standards after the “Design of High-Speed Railway – Signaling and Communication”, which was launched in 2020.

The standard introduced China’s top design concept based on global experience of building high-speed railway systems, and focused on the solutions of general design for high-speed railway routes, bridges, tunnels, stations and platforms.

The UIC was founded in 1922 in France, an NGO with 70 members and 208 institutes. The NRA has been working on cooperation with UIC and has hosted 31 standard making processes, said NRA.

A bullet train departs from Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province on June 20, 2022, the day when the Beijing-Wuhan section of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed link began operating at 350 kilometers per hour. Photo: cnsphoto


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