Beijing vows to build city into a major scientific research center, innovation hub

Beijing vows to build city into a major scientific research center, innovation hub

Beijing vows to build the city into a major scientific research center and innovation hub, Cai Qi, the Communist Party Secretary of Beijing, said at the city’s 13th Party Congress on Monday.

Over the next five years, Beijing will consolidate and improve the ecosystem for high-end industries, strengthen the leading role of industries such as integrated circuits, pharmaceuticals, and hydrogen energy, and expand competitive industries such as new energy vehicles and intelligent equipment manufacturing, Cai said.

Beijing will promote the layout and construction of world-class new R&D institutions in the fields of cutting-edge information technology and biotechnology, and build a group of cutting-edge science centers, innovation consortia and technology platforms, he said.

Cai said Beijing will continue to support the Beijing Stock Exchange, and encourage more companies which meet the requirements to consider IPOs at the exchange.

The Chinese capital is striving to notch a year-on-year GDP growth of over 5 percent this year, according to the government work report delivered by the city’s mayor Chen Jining at the fifth session of the 15th Beijing Municipal People’s Congress.

Beijing’s GDP exceeded 4 trillion yuan ($627.7 billion) last year, up 8.5 percent over the previous year.

Beijing last year issued an implementation plan to accelerate the construction of its digital economy. The plan puts forward that Beijing will focus on the world’s cutting-edge technologies and future strategic requirements, and promote deeper integration of digital technology and the real economy.

If the plan is fulfilled, Beijing will be ahead of other cities in digital innovation.

The city will support the development of communication technologies such as new-generation information and communication networks, the integration of communication and artificial intelligence, the integration of satellite and ground networking, and the security of communication networks.

Beijing Photo:VCG


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