Three ministries have proposed three reductions in the budget

Three ministries have proposed three reductions in the budget

Kathmandu, June 9

The House of Representatives will keep debating the different titles of Appropriation Bill 2079 today.

The policies and programs of the Ministries of Education, Science, and Technology, Drinking
Water, Finance, and Defense will be discussed.

Prem Suwal, a member of the Nepal Majdur Kisan Party (NMKPA), requested in the meeting
that the Appropriation Bill, 2079 BS, be amended to lower spending on the Ministries of
Education, Science, and Technology, Drinking Water, Finance, and Defense.

Durga Poudel, a Rashtriya Janamorcha MP, would also make a recommendation to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Water Supply, and Ministry of Finance to cut spending under the Appropriation Bill 2079.

Another MP, Dr. Surya Prasad Pathak, the Secretary-General of the Parliament Secretariat,
claimed that another suggestion will be made under the Appropriation Bill, 2079 BS, to cut the Ministry of Drinking Water’s cost.


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