The United Nations has admitted that it failed to resolve the Ukraine problem

The United Nations has admitted that it failed to resolve the Ukraine problem

Kathmandu, April 29

Russia has been invading Ukraine for more than two months. Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited Ukraine for the first time. While in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, Guterres was also the target of a rocket attack.

Guterres also criticized the UN Security Council during his visit. Guterres stated that the UN
Security Council had failed to put an end to the fighting in Ukraine. ” It was just brought to our attention at the time. ”I want to make it obvious that this is a complete failure in its attempts to end the conflict to the best of its abilities,” he continued.

He said that the United Nations Security Council was ”particularly devoted to international peace and security,” but that it ”failed badly in the Ukraine issue.” The United Nations has been criticized for failing to prevent the conflict in Ukraine from growing in February. It has also been criticized by the Ukrainian government. Russia is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and it has exercised its negative authority on the topic on  many occasions.

The UN Secretary-General held a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Vladimir
Zelensky on Thursday. ”I am here to say we will not give up,” Guterres said in his address to President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine. He did admit, though, that their numbers were insufficient to overthrow the Security Council.


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