G20 members should cooperate in providing stability for a volatile world: Chinese finance minister

G20 members should cooperate in providing stability for a volatile world: Chinese finance minister

Faced with risks and challenges, G20 members should cooperate in providing stability for a volatile world, Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun said during the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held on Wednesday and Thursday.

Liu said that China will work with all parties to uphold the international system with the UN at its core and the international order underpinned by international law. “We must not allow attempts to politicize and weaponize the global economy or use it as a tool to serve one’s own agenda,” he said.

All G20 members should cultivate the awareness of a community with a shared future and adopt responsible economic policies to explore innovation dynamism, Liu said, noting that the challenges faced by developing countries should be solved via multi-channel forums to ensure the livelihood of all countries remain unaffected.

China welcomes all parties to support and join Global Development Initiative to ac-celerate the implementation of UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Liu said.

He pointed out that China will work with all parties to implement the consensus reached at the G20 Leaders’ Summit by improving the global health management framework under the World Health Organization and strengthen cooperation on anti-pandemic funding.

China supports the finance track of G20 to share experience in applying fiscal and financial policies on climate change and boosting low-carbon development, with the prerequisite of complying with relevant principles of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and based on their own functions, Liu said.

With the principle of collective action and fair burden sharing, China is willing to im-plement G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative in a methodical fashion based on individual cases, he said.

Responding to some members’ attitude on the impact of geopolitics on global econo-my, Liu stressed that China is against politicizing economic issues, and said that the G20 should stick to its own responsibility by focusing discussion on economic impacts while seeking comprehension and balance.



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