Suspended Governor Officer’s Writ of Registration

Suspended Governor Officer’s Writ of Registration

By Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, April 18

The Supreme Court has accepted a writ case filed by suspended Governor Maha Prasad
Adhikari against the government. The writ petition is set to be heard on Tuesday (tomorrow).

Officials have gone to the top, claiming that the government has launched legal action against them without their permission. After the government appointed an investigative committee led by retired judge Purushottam Bhandari claiming numerous things, Adhikari was removed from his position as governor. Governor Adhikari has petitioned the Supreme Court for an interim order overturning the government’s decision and enabling him to resume his duties. The supreme administration registered his writ petition after considering it.

Before removing the governor, the Nepal Rastra Bank Act 2058 requires the formation of a
committee to investigate. The formation of an investigative committee and its proposal to fire the governor, deputy governor, and directors of the NRB is provided for under Article 22 of the NRB Act 2058. Dr. Bhandari led the committee constituted under the same setup. Members include Surya Thapa and Chandrakant Poudel. The committee has been given a month to present an inquiry report.

The Nepal Rastra Bank Employees Union also conducted a demonstration outside the
headquarters, calling for the Governor’s suspension.


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