SICA and SFA to host sporting events under Pakyong District

SICA and SFA to host sporting events under Pakyong District

Pakyong, 22 March: For the many firsts that is to come for Pakyong, Sikkim Cricket Association (SICA) and Sikkim Football Association (SFA) have decided to begin on an athletic note for the new district. Both Associations will be hosting school level tournaments at the block, sub division and district level. DC Pakyong, Tashi Chophel said thatthe government recognizes and values the significance of sports and hence is one of the priorities. Due to the pandemic, the children have been bereft of healthy physical activities that used to take place at schools. In order toresume these activities in the district, SICA and SFA have been requested to identify talents at the school level by hosting events and competitions as their involvement will bring forth prestige and leverage, inspiring more participation. He thanked the presidents of both the associations for accepting the offer and said that it would be a regular event, hoping that the identified youth will represent the district, the state and the country in the near future.The modalities of the events to be conducted will be administered in coordination with Education and Sports &Youth Affairs Department.

President,SICA Lobzang. G. Tenzing, who is also the team manager of the India U-19 cricket team expressed his delight over the DC’s motivational plan to engage the youth in sports. “It is going to take effort to establish infrastructure, gather resources but I was very happy when the DC reached out to me and asked me to integrate cricket into the environment of Pakyong,” he said. Tenzing also explained that cricket has expanded in popularity immensely over the years and Sikkim has produced many talented cricketers male and female both, who play for the U-16 AND U-19 teams. He also said that unique activities under SICA, such as Monsoon Cricket, Cricket Fun Fair could be organized at blocks and sub-divisions throughout the district and it would also help SICA train as well as scout talents from the region so that Sikkimese youth can build a lucrative career in sports

President, SFA and Vice President North East Football Development Council (NEFDC) Menla Ethenpa stated that the government has prioritized sports like never before and with the creation of the new districts, two new District Football Associations shall be formed soon. He said that Sikkim has produced many gifted footballers and that he is confident that many new talents will emerge from Pakyong district. He also highlighted on how much women have accomplished not only as footballers but also as referees while sharing the news that two Sikkimese women have been selected to play for Indian Arrows Women’s Team. He acknowledged the efforts of DC Pakyong, stating that enabling the youth through sports is an effective and constructive mechanism.

DC Pakyongstated that he has also reached out to Badminton Association of Sikkim as well as Sikkim Table Tennis Association and they have responded with a positive note.


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