China and like-minded countries call for attention to human rights violations of indigenous people in some countries

China and like-minded countries call for attention to human rights violations of indigenous people in some countries

China, on behalf of a group of countries, expressed deep concerns over serious violations of human rights of indigenous people by some countries and called for the Human Rights Council to continue to attend to serious human rights violations and take necessary actions, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission to the UN in Geneva, said in a joint statement at the 49th session of the Human Rights Council on Monday.

“In the past centuries, countries in question have oppressed and exploited indigenous people, violating their human rights and fundamental freedoms, looting their land and resources, killing with brutality their population and eliminating their culture. They forcibly sent indigenous children to ‘residential schools’ for the purpose of assimilation. But indigenous children in these ‘residential schools’ were abused, many of whom died unnaturally, and the truth has been covered up to this day,” Jiang said.

Minister Jiang noted that however, countries in question have not yet taken effective measures to protect the rights of the indigenous people, with discriminatory legislations and policies still in force.

Indigenous people in these countries are subject to systemic discrimination and inequality, and have been marginalized at every level of society. Their disadvantaged position further deteriorated under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he noted.

“We urge countries in question to immediately act to correct their wrongs, investigate human rights violations against indigenous people, hold those responsible accountable, redress the victims, and eliminate completely discrimination against indigenous people,” said Jiang.

“We call upon the Human Rights Council to continue to attend to serious human rights violations against indigenous people by countries in question and take necessary actions accordingly,” he said.

Video image shows a session of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: Xinhua


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