Supply of goods from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong is sufficient: officials

Supply of goods from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong is sufficient: officials

The supply of goods from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong is sufficient, prices are stable and can meet the basic needs of Hong Kong residents, the Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation said on Monday.

From January 1 to February 7, the average number of vehicles carrying fresh products and livestock from Shenzhen to Hong Kong was about 300 per day, roughly equal to the same period in 2021, according to Chi Weiguo, deputy head of the Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality.

The remarks came in a post on WeChat by the regulator on Monday citing data from Shenzhen customs.

Among them, 90 percent of the fresh vegetables supplied to Hong Kong through the Man Kam To Port from the mainland are produced by more than 600 registered planting bases and more than 100 enterprises across the country. Furthermore, the average daily supply of about 2,600 live pigs to Hong Kong is provided by six enterprises with qualifications from different provinces and are transported in 60 vehicles, said Chi.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong are in close communication and go all out to strengthen prevention and control of cross-border transportation, the administration noted.

Guangdong is an important supplier of food from the mainland to Hong Kong. Recently, the province has continued to ensure the safe and stable supply of various products to Hong Kong, such as vegetables and chilled meat, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Monday.

Since January 2022, Guangzhou customs has inspected a total of 9,021.5 tons of poultry meat and products, 1,304.5 tons of dairy products, 328.8 tons of vegetables and more than 42,000 live pigs going to Hong Kong, CCTV said.

Hong Kong is going through a difficult fifth wave of the epidemic and Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), said that the local government has the support from the central authorities and will spare no effort to combat COVID-19, according to a report by Xinhua on Monday.

Lam said the HKSAR government will start working with the mainland through the task force as soon as possible to enhance Hong Kong’s capabilities of testing and isolation facilities by all means.

As of Sunday, over 4,000 people were subjected to home quarantine under the scheme which has been operating smoothly.


Residents buy vegetables in a market in Hong Kong on February 12, 2022. Photo: VCG


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