What is Jiucai Hezi, Gu Ailing’s snack while waiting for her score?

What is Jiucai Hezi, Gu Ailing’s snack while waiting for her score?

Traditional Chinese snack Jiucai Hezi, a pan-fried dumpling filled with chives and vermicelli noodles, has been trending on Chinese social media after Gu Ailing, or Eileen Gu, gold medalist at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, munched while she waited for her score in the slopestyle qualifying round on Monday.

The hashtag “Gu Ailing said she was eating Jiucai Hezi” has attracted 200 million views as of Monday, along with pictures and videos of Gu stuffing her mouth. Gu said “I must have this bite” as she started her practice session.

Jiucai Hezi is a traditional Chinese delicacy, like a pie filled with Chinese chives and fried eggs, with a uniquely fragrant smell.

Along with dumplings and noodles, Jiucai Hezi is also a traditional Chinese dish during China’s most important festival, the Chinese New Year. In Northern China there is the tradition of eating the dish on the third day of the Chinese New Year to bring harmony into the family.

When asked by reporters about the taste, Gu said with a hand gesture that Jiucai Hezi is “super good,” giving it high marks.

Apart from discussion on food, netizens also seem puzzled by the correct translation of the Chinese delicacy. Gu also struggled to give an answer. Gu’s hashtag asking for the English translation of Jiucai Hezi attracted more than 93 million views as of Monday.

After struggling to explain in English to journalists what Jiucai Hezi is, Gu gave up, saying “my English is failing today.”


Jiucai Hezi Photo: VCG


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