Minister for Urban Development Ram Kumari Jhakri said that the lack of coordination among the government organs has made it difficult for the government to work. Speaking at a press conference at the ministry on Monday to publicize the achievements of the 100-day tenure, Minister Jhakri, who is also the leader of the CPN-Unified Socialists, said that she could not do as much as she had hoped even after taking over the ministry.
“In the case of Nepal, there is also a lack of coordination in our case. This is an easy task. I found a lack of coordination between the local government and the Ministry of Urban Development, coordination between the state government and the Ministry of Urban Development and various other organs of the state, the executive, the judiciary and the legislature,” said Minister Jhakri.
She said that she has experience in working in the internal mechanism of the government and also in her own ministry where there is a lack of coordination between one branch and another.
He said that there was a three-tier government in the country and it was necessary to remove it as there was no coordination among the three-tier government.
She said that she has done more paper work than physical work in 100 days and will work in coordination with all the state and local levels in the coming days. She also said that the model of federalism in Nepal is one of co-operation.
“Our model of federalism is a cooperative model. One demands coordination between the
other. There are some legal, some traditional and some technical issues regarding the practice of such federalism,” said Minister Jhakri.
By Muna Chand