Senior Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel has said that infighting in the party should not be tolerated. Addressing a function held at Dumre of Congress Tanahu Constituency No. 1 on Wednesday, senior leader Poudel said that there was no alternative to move forward unitedly as the new leadership had come after the party’s 14th general convention.
“The party’s convention is over. Whatever the election was like yesterday, it was an internal
election. Election fraud should not be tolerated. The Congress should go to the next general
election together.” he said.
Senior leader Poudel said that there was no alternative but to fight with the opposition by
forgetting the bittersweet experience of the past. Stating that he had never agitated for the
post, Poudel said, “While leading the movement against KP Oli, rumors were spread that
Prachanda would give me the presidency. I am not a person who is agitating for the post.”
Senior leader Poudel expressed his commitment to continue serving the people for life.
By Muna Chand