Smaller Left parties protest against MCC in the capital on Sunday

Smaller Left parties protest against MCC in the capital on Sunday

Smaller leftist parties staged a protest in the capital on Sunday, calling the MCC agreement treasonous. Twenty-two political parties and organizations, including the CPN (Revolutionary Maoist), have staged a protest at Maitighar Mandal. He warned that the MCC should not be passed by the parliament under any circumstances.

CP Gajurel, who is also the leader of CPN-Revolutionary on behalf of 22 political parties, said that the demonstration was organized to stop the US pressure on the MCC to put it on the agenda of the parliament.

Smaller parties have said that the United States continues to put pressure on the Nepalese government and parties, even though the plan to ratify the MCC agreement could not materialize due to the continuous protests and struggles of Nepal’s patriotic forces and the Nepalese people. These small parties have been continuously agitating against the MCC.

By Muna Chand


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