OpenGauss gathers innovative forces to promote breakthrough development for databases

The openGauss summit 2021 with the theme of “Gathering Database Innovation Power, Dreaming of the Digital area” was held simultaneously online and offline in Beijing on Tuesday. At the summit, the openGauss community council and upgraded technical committee, the openGauss Community Subcommittee were formally established, China Telecom released its first TeleDB for openGauss and China Unicom launches independent innovation of database based on openGauss.

This summit, under the guidance of the China Software Industry Association and Technical Committee on Databases of CCF, was hosted by openGauss open source community, the annual open source database technology event jointly organized by Huawei, China Mobile, China Telecom e-Cloud, China Unicom, China Merchants Bank, Huaxia Bank, and CCB Fintech. The conference aims to promote the development of the database industry through cooperation focused on technological innovation, ecosystem construction, commercial promotion, open source development, and fostering new talent.

Databases are the basis software for information management, and are the foundation for digital infrastructure. “Database is the data base of the digital area, multi-disciplinary and highly complex,” said Gao Hong, the deputy director of the Technical Committee on Databases of CCF and a professor from the Harbin Institute of Technology. Open source as the link of openGauss to accelerate talent training, realize the close integration of technological innovation and market applications to jointly create a database which meets market demand.

OpenGauss has received support from individuals and the public since the creation of open source. The openGauss community has attracted the participation of 100 core companies in the industry chain, with more than 2500 developers participating in technical contributions. Its global download volume has exceeded 500,000 in 81 countries and 558 cities around the world. This community is based on the concept of co-construction, sharing, and co-governance, and builds the most innovative open source community with enterprises, partners, and developers. With the increasing vibrancy of the open source community, the openGauss community has been fully upgraded.

The openGauss summit 2021 was held in Beijing on December 28. Photo: Courtesy of Huawei

The openGauss summit 2021 was held in Beijing on December 28. Photo: Courtesy of Huawei

In September 2021, the first group of 18 units including China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Merchants Bank, Postal Savings Bank of China and Tsinghua University established the openGauss community council. During this conference, the openGauss Community Council also added two members, including the China National Offshore Oil Corporation. The community council members cover a wide range of sectors, focusing on basic database research, technological innovation and industry application scenarios, and jointly promote the development of the database sector. The openGauss upgraded open source community technical committee as the technical leadership of the open source community, the technical committee decides on the technical development direction of the community. 16 database technical experts from Huawei, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank and other companies jointly forming a new technical committee to carry out technological innovations in kernel, security, AI, and other fields w, and continue to build an openGauss technical competition force.

The openGauss community is an incubator of technological innovation. In this conference, China Telecom released the industry’s first TeleDB for openGauss. The two parties have been cooperating since March this year, focusing on openGauss containerization, ecological compatibility and joint innovation. This version has the advantage of high compatibility, high security, and simple operation and maintenance. It was launched on the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region resource test platform showing stable operation and obvious performance improvement effects. In addition, China Unicom launched openGauss-based independent database innovation, while China Mobile is implementing an OLTP database joint innovation project.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, Vastdata, Enmotech, China Merchants Bank, Huaxia Bank and other scientific and technological forces will be expanding technological innovation in the openGauss community for storage engines, containerization, graph databases, database security, and database migration to promotes the development of the database industry.

The openGauss summit 2021 was held in Beijing on December 28. Photo: Courtesy of Huawei


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