Learning Chinese

Chat attack

female veteran (military)/ 退伍女兵 / (tuìwǔ nǚbīnɡ)

A: I heard you were once in the military. Do you feel honored to be a female veteran?


(tīnɡshuō nǐ cénɡjīnɡ yǒu dānɡbīnɡde jīnɡyàn, zuòwéi yīmínɡ tuìwǔ nǚbīnɡ, nǐ ɡǎndào ɡuānɡrónɡ ma?)

B: Of course. I’m don’t just feel honored, I learned a lot from my experiences in the military.


(dānɡrán, wǒ bùjǐn ɡǎndào ɡuānɡrónɡ, érqiě dānɡbīnɡ de jīnɡlì rànɡwǒ xuédàole hěnduō.)

A: Can you talk about what you learned?


(shuōshuō kàn nǐ dōu xuédàole shenme bā?)

B: I feel I became more resilient, and less afraid of difficulties. I also realized the importance of being loyal to the country.


(wǒ juédé wǒ biàndé ɡènɡjiā jiānqiánɡ, ɡènɡ bùpà kùnnán, érqiě tǐhuì dào le zhōnɡchénɡ yú ɡuójiā de zhònɡyàoxìnɡ.)

A: These sound like precious gifts brought about by experience. I’m rather envious of you.


(tīnɡqǐlái zhèxiē dōushì zhēnɡuì de jīnɡyàn dàilái de lǐwù, wǒ hěn xiànmù nǐ.)

B: Recently on various forums I’ve seen a lot of parents who want to send their children into the military. It’s very gratifying.


(zuìjìn wǒ yě zài bùtónɡ lùntán shànɡ kàndào yǒu hěnduō de jiāzhánɡ xiǎnɡyào sònɡ zìjǐ jiā de háizǐ dānɡbīnɡ.wǒ ɡǎndào hěn xīnwèi.)

A: I feel the same too.


(wǒ yě zhèyànɡ rènwéi.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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