Learning Chinese

Chat attack

gemstone/ 宝石 / (bǎoshí)

A: I heard that you are an admirer of gemstones. What rare gemstones have you seen?


(tīnɡshuō nǐ shì yīɡè bǎoshí àihǎo zhě, nǐ kànɡuò shenme xīyǒu de bǎoshí ma?)

B: I know of emeralds, rubies, obsidian and also sapphires. Sapphires are the ones I like the most.


(wǒ zhīdào zǔmǔlǜ, hónɡbǎoshí, hēiyàoshí háiyǒu lánbǎoshí, qízhōnɡ wǒ zuìxǐhuān de shì lánbǎoshí.)

A: Really? Then I’ll tell you some news. Recently the world’s largest sapphire went on display in Sri Lanka.


(shìma?nà wǒ ɡàosù nǐ yīzé xīnwén, zuìjìn yǒu yīkuài shìjièshànɡ zuìdà de lánbǎoshí zài sīlǐlánkǎ zhǎnchū le.)

B: How big is this gemstone? I’m really interested.


(zhèkuài bǎoshí yǒu duōdà ne?wǒ hěn ɡǎnxīnɡqù.)

A: The uncut gemstone weighed 310 kilograms. It is called “The Queen of Asia.” The gemstone is very valuable.


(zhèkuài yuánshí zhònɡ 310 ɡōnɡjīn, bèi chēnɡwéi “yàzhōu huánɡhòu”.zhèkuài yuánshí jiàzhíliánchénɡ.)

B: Sri Lanka is rich in gemstone resources. A lot of valuable gemstones come from there.


(sīlǐlánkǎ bǎoshí zīyuán shífēn fēnɡfù, shìjiè hěnduō zhēnɡuì bǎoshí dōu chūzì nàlǐ.)

A: Sri Lanka’s tea industry is also worldly famous.


(sīlǐlánkǎ de cháchǎnyè yě shì shìjiè yǒumínɡ.)

Illustration:Liu Xidan/GT


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