Setbacks in China-US ties caused by US strategic misjudgment; China accepts healthy competition and not afraid of confrontation: Wang Yi

Reviewing and summarizing China-US relations in 2021, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday said that the fundamental reason why China-US relations have encountered serious difficulties and multiple challenges lies in the US strategic misjudgment.

“Some people in the US do not want to admit that other countries also have the right to development. They do not want to accept the fact that China is growing stronger and making progress. They do not want to accept that China and the US can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results,” Wang said at an opening ceremony at a Beijing-based symposium on international relations.

The wrong words and deeds of the US not only harm the interests of the two peoples, but also seriously impact world peace and stability, Wang said.

Wang stressed that China’s position is consistent and clear: it supports dialogue, but it should be on an equal footing; believes in cooperation, but should be mutually beneficial; it also encourages a healthy competition; and China is also not afraid of confrontation and will fight to the end.

“Cooperation benefits both, and fighting hurts both too — it is the most important lesson learned from more than half a century of exchanges between China and the US,” said Wang, “History will surely continue to prove this truth.”

We hope that the US will earnestly implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, honor its commitment, and work with China to explore the path of peaceful co-existence between the two major countries, Wang said.

In 2021, at the US invitation, Chinese President Xi Jinping had two phone conversations with US President Joe Biden and held their first video meeting in November.

Xi elaborated on China’s position on China-US relations and put forward a strategic framework featuring mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, thus guiding the sound and steady development of bilateral relations.

In 2021, diplomatic representatives of China and the US held in-depth discussions in Anchorage, Tianjin, Zurich and Rome. The Chinese diplomats pointed out the crux affecting China-US relations, highlighted the “three bottom lines” and made “two lists.”

China does not recognize that there are superior countries in the world. The US should get rid of its old habit of interfering in China’s internal affairs, Wang said. “The US must not challenge China’s path and system, obstruct China’s development process, or infringe on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Wang mentioned that through unremitting efforts, Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou, who had been illegally detained for more than 1,000 days in Canada, returned home safely, effectively upholding justice.

“The US also expressed its willingness to respect each other, coexist peacefully, strengthen communication and manage differences with China … The US has promised not to seek to change China’s system, oppose China through strengthening its alliance, and has no intention of conflict with China,” Wang said.

China US Photo:VCG


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