Taiwan is a wanderer who will eventually return home, not a pawn to be used: FM Wang Yi

Taiwan is a wanderer who will eventually return home, not a pawn to be used: FM Wang Yi

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi re-emphasized on Monday China’s firm determination for national reunification, describing the island of Taiwan as a wanderer who will eventually return home.

“Taiwan should not be used as a pawn … China must and will be reunified,” Wang said while delivering a speech during an opening ceremony at a Beijing-based symposium on international affairs and China’s diplomacy in 2021.

Wang said the current tension across the Taiwan Straits lies in the Taiwan authority’s attempts of “seeking secession by relying on the US,” as well as the US and some other countries’ intention to use the Taiwan card to contain China.

The connotation of the one-China principle is in danger of being blurred or even hollowed out by Taiwan secessionists, Wang said, noting that these moves have changed the status quo across the Taiwan Straits, undermined peace and stability, and violated international consensus and basic norms.

“In response, we issued a stern warning and took forceful countermeasures, deterring the arrogance of the Taiwan secessionists … Ten days ago, the central government resumed diplomatic relations with Nicaragua, bringing the total number of countries having diplomatic relations with China to 181. The consensus of one China has been further consolidated in the international community,” Wang said.

Wang stressed that China has always stood on the right side of history, and has drawn on the experience and wisdom of the Communist Party of China’s century-long history to steer the way forward in the context of the great trend, great development, and great history.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Photo: Chinese Foreign Ministry


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