US ‘democracy summit’ purposed at creating division and confrontation

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian Photo:

It is not difficult for the international community to make a correct and objective judgment based on facts in regard to whether the US “democracy summit” oppresses other countries and provokes secessionism and confrontation in the name of democracy, Chinese Foreign Ministry commented on the purpose of the summit on Thursday, adding that democracy is not an ornament and efficacy weighs over advertisement.

Head of Russia’s State Duma Security and Anti-Corruption Committee Vasily Piskaryov said the “democracy summit” held by the US aims to divide the world into its allies and outsiders to create division. He made the remarks during the seventh meeting of the China-Russia committee for parliamentary cooperation on November 23.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian commented during a regular press conference that it is not difficult for the international community to make a correct and objective judgment based on facts in regard to whether the US “democracy summit” contains and oppresses other countries and provokes secessionism and confrontation in the name of democracy.

The international community has seen more and more clearly the real purpose of the summit because they see not only what the US says but also what it does, Zhao said.

According to Zhao, democracy is not a patent of a particular country but a common value of all mankind. There exists no unique form of democracy or a single way to achieve it. No country is entitled to monopolizing the right to define and judge what democracy is or isn’t. “Democracy is not an ornament and efficacy weighs over advertisement,” Zhao said, adding that the US has been politically polarized, socially fractured, and its democracy has increasingly been hollowing out and its people increasingly disaffected.

Zhao stressed that the so-called democracy summit should focus on examining US’ own democratic problems and proposing feasible solutions. It is the biggest destruction to democratic values for the US to be obsessed with imposing western democratic models on other countries, bringing about regime change and attempting to use democracy as a tool to pursue its global strategy and geopolitics.

Global Times / Global Times


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