Taiwan has no future other than reunification with mainland, no intl status other than being part of China: FM Wang Yi

The island of Taiwan has no future other than reunification with the Chinese mainland, and it has no international legal status other than being part of China, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in response to US calling for “meaningful participation” of Taiwan in the UN.

The US and some other countries could not stop the one-China principle 50 years ago, and they are much less likely to succeed in the 21st century. If they persist, they will pay the price, Wang said Friday in Rome, where he will attend the G20 summit.

Recently, the US and some other countries attempted to make breakthrough on the Taiwan question, which violates their political commitment made while establishing diplomatic ties with China and ignores the general will of UN members expressed in the Resolution 2758. The move also undermines the principles of the UN Charter and destructs the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, Wang said.

The historical and legal facts of one China cannot be challenged, and the 1.4 billion Chinese people’s pursuit of peaceful reunification of the country cannot be held back, Wang said.

In 1971, the General Assembly of the UN adopted with an overwhelming majority Resolution 2758, and the decision was made to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN.

Wang’s remarks were made after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken this week expressed US support for the island of Taiwan’s participation in the UN system.

A senior official from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said on Friday that after reunification, Taiwan’s peace and tranquility will be fully guaranteed and its economic development will be enhanced.

After reunification, Taiwan compatriots will jointly participate in global governance and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Liu Junchuan, deputy head of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said at a seminar themed “National Reunification and National Rejuvenation” held in Yichang, Central China’s Hubei Province on Friday.

Global Times


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