E.China’s Putian returns to low-risk area, removes all lockdowns as resurgence ebbs

Life in Putian city in East China’s Fujian Province returned to normal on Thursday with all the medium- and high-risk areas being cleared since this round of coronavirus resurgence linked to the Delta variant started in the city in early September.

Since six people tested positive for COVID-19 on September 10, the city with a population of 3 million reported an accumulated 205 local confirmed infections and three asymptomatic carriers by September 25. As of Thursday, the city has reported no new local infection for 12 consecutive days with the last case found at a medical observation center.

Life will gradually return to normal. Tourist attractions and public venues will be opened with order and production and operations, and medical services will be resumed in an orderly manner from Thursday with lockdowns in the city all lifted.

The city, which dealt with the country’s first school-centered flare-up, will resume in-person education from Monday with students being organized to return to school in batches.

All the traffic checkpoints in the lockdown, control and prevention zones around the city were removed during the National Day holidays as early as October 2 and all the epidemic checkpoints at entrances and exits of highways in the city were removed on October 4.

Mass nucleic acid testing is carried out in Putian city in East China’s Fujian Province on September 15. Photo: VCG


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