China’s top diplomat urges US to correct wrong China policies

During a video conference with representatives from the US Democratic and Republican parties, China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi urged the US to correct its wrong China policies and get bilateral ties back on track.

Yang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, made the remarks at the 12th China-US Political Party Leaders Dialogue.

Yang noted that On September 10, Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation, upon invitation, with US President Joe Biden and the two leaders had candid, in-depth and wide strategic communications.

“We hope the US government can correct its wrong China policies, work with China, take active moves, implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders and push China-US ties back to the stable and right track,” said Yang, noting that the dialogue can help increase understanding between the Communist Party of China and the US Republican and Democratic parties.

The US representatives said that China-US ties are the most important bilateral ties in the world. The Americans and the Chinese people and other countries in the world have benefited from the bilateral cooperation in areas such as fighting climate change and the coronavirus and helping economic recovery. The two sides should deepen cooperation in many areas including trade and culture to promote positive development of bilateral ties.

China US Photo:IC


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