Pakistan vows to further optimize business environment for Chinese companies, remove barriers: PM

Pakistan vows to further optimize business environment for Chinese companies, remove barriers: PM

The Pakistani government has been dedicated to improving the business investment and removing hurdles for Chinese companies in Pakistan, which is significant for promoting more Chinese industries to Pakistan, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Monday.

Khan made the remarks at a forum on investment promotion for Chinese entrepreneurs in Pakistan on Monday. He said China is an important source of investment in Pakistan, and sorting out and solving the difficulties encountered by Chinese enterprises is of great significance to the industrialization of Pakistan and promoting the transfer of more Chinese industries to Pakistan.

“I and relevant government departments will pay great attention to the progress of Chinese investment projects in Pakistan and provide active support,” said the Prime Minister at the forum.

Pakistan also vowed to continue to learn from China’s successful experience in industrial development and the construction of special economic zones, and strive to make special economic zones a model for attracting Chinese investment.

Nong Rong, Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, thanked Khan for his support to Chinese entrepreneurs at the forum.

He said that China is keen to enhance cooperation with Pakistan to accomplish great achievements in trade.

As the two countries are jointly building special economic zones (SEZs) in Pakistan under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Chinese companies are bringing in investments, creating job opportunities and training locals in modern technology, Special Advisor to Pakistani Prime Minister on CPEC Affairs Khalid Mansoor said on Monday.

However, recent attacks against Chinese people and companies have cast a shadow over Chinese investment projects in Pakistan and raised some concerns about the future of investment climate.

In July, nine Chinese nationals were killed when a bus carrying Chinese engineers and workers to the site of the Dasu Dam was attacked in the restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Only a month later, a suicide attack targeting a motorcade carrying Chinese nationals at the Gwadar Eastbay Expressway Project killed two Pakistani children and injured one Chinese worker.

Regarding these incidents, special measures are being adopted to remove hurdles being faced by Chinese investors in Pakistan, Khan said on Monday.

China Pakistan File photo:VCG


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