UPDATE: Lawyer in Wuhan killed after applying to have suspect’s assets frozen

A lawyer was reportedly killed on Monday morning in a gunshot case in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province. A suspect has been detained.

At around 10 am on Monday, a man surnamed Lei entered an office and attacked a man surnamed Xue. Lei escaped after the incident but was later caught by police. He claimed that the attack was due to a personal conflict. Xue was later pronounced dead, according to the police’s statement.

A video posted by The Paper on Monday showed that after attacking Xue in the legal services center, Lei threatened three passing vehicles with a weapon and tried to hijack a car to escape.

Xue, 30, was a full-time lawyer with a local law office, who was polite and kind to people, The Paper reported, adding that his colleagues were shocked when hearing the news.

The Paper found that in May 2020, the murdered lawyer had accepted a case brought by four applicants who wanted to apply to the People’s Court of Hongshan District in Wuhan to seal up and freeze deposits of Lei’s company and Lei, exceeding 1.2 million yuan ($185,859) in total.

According to Jimu News, many spectators nearby said they heard a gunshot. “I was walking past a law firm just after 10:00 when I suddenly heard a gunshot. The wounded man was completely immobile when he was carried out,” said a spectator surnamed Lu.

Photo:Sina Weibo


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