Chameliya Hydropower Project to be constructed in Central Darchula


An additional Central Chameliya Hydropower Project is to be constructed in Marma village municipality of Darchula. The project to be constructed in the area above Bitula will be of 28.30 MW.

Darchula Power Pvt. Ltd. Is moving ahead with the hydropower project. The company has stated that the work of preliminary environmental test study of the project has started. It has sought the opinion of the stakeholders on the possible impact of the construction on the physical, biological, natural, cultural, economic and social sectors of the local area. Stakeholders have been appealed to send their views on the impact within a week.

The company has stated that the dam will be constructed in Lambagar using the water of Chameliya river flowing through Marma 2,3,4,5 and 6. According to the company, the water stored in the dam is designed to generate electricity in the surface power house through a 7,080-meter-long headrace pipe.

The project is estimated to cost Rs. 6 billion 18 crore 94 lakh 44 thousand. After the completion of the project, an average of 118.52 gigawatt hours of electricity will be generated annually.

The 40 MW Upper Chameliya Hydropower Project is currently under construction on the same river. More than 40 percent work of the project has been completed. Meanwhile, 30 MW Chameliya Hydropower has been constructed in Shikhar Balanch, Ward No. 1 of Shailyashikhar Municipality.

A power house has been constructed at Marma-2 Ghattegad by constructing the dam of Chameliya Hydropower under construction near Okhal of Apihimaal Gaonpalika-5. It id believed that the door of development will be opened in this area after the construction of electricity.

At present, 10 MW Makarigad Hydropower is under construction in Makarigad of Apihimal village municipality. A feasibility study is underway to generate 60 MW of electricity in Ward No. 1 of Apihimal.



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