<strong>A happy life on the roof of world </strong>

A happy life on the roof of world

Due to the harsh natural environment and inconvenient transportation, the life of the people in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau was very difficult for a long time. Over the years, Tibet’s economy has grown rapidly. Various livelihood guarantees of education, medical care and environmental protection have improved. With the improvement of transportation and communication, the lives of the people in Tibet have changed drastically.

KasangYisi is the manager of a hotel near in Yangchoyong Lake Scenic Area in Lhasa. The hotel was opened in 2018 with friends. With the rapid development of transport and tourism in Tibet, KasangYisi’s hotel business is getting better. Currently, KasangYisi’s monthly income is more than 10,000 yuan.

Wang Chau, who has been working at Lhasa LaluWetlands for 14 years, keeps the wetlands environment clean and inspects safety every day. Lalu Wetlands Trail is open to the public free of cost in 2019. “The atmosphere here is getting better and people like to enjoy the greenery here. I think my work has been very meaningful and very satisfying,” Wang said.

This year, the 60-year-old uncle named Bari is serving as a group leader in the village. He said that after the peaceful liberation of Tibet, great changes have taken place in the last 70 years, people live and work in peace and contentment, tthey can live a more enjoyable life with confidence.

By Muna Chand


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