Is the US attempt of throwing mud at China trying to shift global attention away from its own suspicious bio-labs? FM spokesperson asks.

Is the US attempt of throwing mud at China trying to shift global attention away from its own suspicious bio-labs? FM spokesperson asks.

The US attempts to pinpoint China as the origin of coronavirus by hook or by crook have fueled suspicion on whether the US is trying to divert attention away from its own biolabs, such as Fort Detrick.

And what is the US hiding, asked spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after the Global Times learned from sources that US intelligence agencies are incapable of producing any concrete “proof” or scientific support for the “lab leak” theory, and they want to make do with circumstantial, unreliable evidence as the deadline for a coronavirus origins report nears.

In May, US President Joe Biden ordered intelligence officials to “redouble” efforts to investigate the origins of COVID-19, including the theory that it came from a laboratory in China. Yet the Global Times learned from sources that those US intelligence agencies cannot produce any concrete proof or scientific support to back up the “lab leak” theory.The sources noted that the so-called evidence that has been fabricated so far is mostly circumstantial evidence that is completely unreliable.

Speaking on a Wednesday briefing, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said if the media report is true, it is a testament that the US cares nothing about truth, but how to throw mud at China … US’ tricks to frame others using a small bottle of laundry powder fools nobody. And the more Washington tries to blame Beijing, the more people wonder if the US is trying to hide something, Zhao noted.

Aside from the Fort Detrick that the US has been keeping silent about, it has built more than 200 biolabs all over the world, which conduct militarized biological activities, Zhao said at the press briefing..

China has been supporting and will always support probing coronavirus origins in a scientific way, and had invited WHO experts twice to cooperate on this, worked out scientific and authoritative conclusion which lays ground for next-stage coronavirus origins investigation, said Zhao.

The spokesperson said that if the US has nothing to hide, it should invite WHO to investigate coronavirus origins in the US, especially at Fort Detrick and other labs, which will show sincerity and attitude of a country that really cares about the origins of coronavirus.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian


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