A Rendezvous Delayed for 60 Years

A Rendezvous Delayed for 60 Years

In June 1980, Deng Yingchao, then vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), led an NPC delegation to France and the headquarters of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. It was a rendezvous delayed for 60 years. The late Premier Zhou Enlai had always wanted to visit France again and recollect the memories of his student life there. Now, that wish had to be fulfilled by Deng on his behalf.

France attached great importance to Deng’s visit. President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing met with her in the Elysée Palace. President of the National Assembly Jacques Chaban-Delmas hosted a grand welcome ceremony for her. Delmas told Deng, “We all know that you are not only Vice Chairperson of the NPC Standing Committee, but also wife of Premier Zhou Enlai. The Premier was well-known to the French people for his character and talent. You gave him great help at work and showed remarkable qualities as his wife.” Deng spoke highly of the China-France friendship. She said, “France is where Comrade Zhou Enlai and the incumbent Chinese leaders including Deng Xiaoping and Nie Rongzhen used to study and work in their youth. It is where they gained much inspiration in their pursuit of truth. They cherish profound feelings toward France and French people. In the past, the Chinese and French people fought side by side against Fascism. Today, our people will work closely together in the same spirit to safeguard world peace.”

Deng also attended the welcome reception hosted by Paris Mayor Jacques Chirac, who later became French President. Chirac said, “Maintaining good relations with China is an important element of French foreign policy. A strong and prosperous China is important for Europe. Under the current unnerving tensions, we fully endorse strengthening Europe-China and France-China relations in  economic, technological and cultural domains.” Deng fully agreed with Chirac. She said, “We also wish to see a strong and united Europe and hope that Europe plays a greater role in the world.” Deng’s visit to the European Parliament was the first visit to the institution by an NPC delegation. Madam Simone Veil, president of the European Parliament, told Deng that the balance of international relations could only be guaranteed when China and the European Community took their due positions in the world.

On a personal note, Deng’s visit to France was a rendezvous delayed for 60 years. In 1920, Zhou Enlai went to study in France and Deng stayed in China for the revolution and did not make it to France. Zhou missed her more and more as each day passed. One day in 1923, Deng received a postcard from France, in which Zhou confessed his affection for her. On the back of the postcard were the portraits of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. Zhou wrote, “I hope in the future, the two of us will, like the two of them, die for the same great cause together…” The postcard was followed by hundreds of love letters sent by Zhou from France. And Deng’s replies were a source of strength for Zhou in his tough days far away from home.

The wedding photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao

The wedding photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao

An important part of Deng’s visit to France was a tour of the memorials of her husband. She went to the small hotel Zhou had lived in, No. 17 Rue Godefroy, Paris. On the wall of the entrance is a plaque carrying the inscription of the three characters “Zhou Enlai” written by Deng Xiaoping. The plaque was put up there in 1979 by the government of Paris under the initiative of the French government.

Deng stepped along the narrow winding stairs to room 16 on the third floor. Zhou once lived and worked there, a room of 4.5 square meters, barely accommodating an iron single bed and a chair. Deng looked through the window. After a long silence, she sat on the bed for a while and told her entourage, “The Party branch in Europe used to have meetings here and some of the members sat on the floor. Enlai had very tough days in Paris. He worked day and night and often fed himself with just bread and plain water.”

Deng said she’d like to take a walk in the street. She stepped into a small restaurant. Her entourage explained to the hostess that Deng was Zhou’s wife. The hostess was thrilled and presented Deng with flowers she had just picked. Deng had a talk with her and presented her with a Chinese porcelain plate. Today, the son of the hostess still carefully keeps the gift and the photos of Deng, and proudly shares the story with every Chinese diner coming to his restaurant.

A photo of aged Deng Yingchao at work

A photo of aged Deng Yingchao at work

The crabapple trees beside the Xihua Hall of Zhongnanhai in Beijing had witnessed more moments of Zhou and Deng. Crabapple flowers are quiet yet bright and zealous, so was Deng. One of her favorite verses well portrays the mentality of an old communist. It goes, “After the spring is not the autumn; why worry about getting old? Give your life to the cause of the people, and you’ll not find your hairs turn grey.”

The wedding photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao


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